How to use defrecord getBasis to look up record instance field values
Andy Fingerhut
2018-12-03 07:47:07 UTC
Maybe you are looking for something like this?

(map #(% p1) (map keyword (Person/getBasis)))

keyword can take a symbol as argument, and return a corresponding keyword.

defrecord Person [name age company])
(def p1 {:name "foo", :age 27, :company :bar})
(map #(% p1) (keys p1))
("foo" 27 :bar)
user=> (map #(% p1) (Person/getBasis))
(nil nil nil nil)
user=> (map #(class %) (Person/getBasis))
(clojure.lang.Symbol clojure.lang.Symbol clojure.lang.Symbol
getBasis seems to return the symbol but my record lookup technique doesnt
seem to be working..
any idea why
I dont wish to use keys on the record instance since the instance might be
missing some fields in the record
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Matching Socks
2018-12-03 10:00:21 UTC
To be clear: In the example, p1 is not an instance of Person. p1 is just a
map. An actual record has (at least) all of the basis fields.

user> (map->Person {:name "foo"})
#user.Person{:name "foo", :age nil, :company nil}

user> (dissoc *1 :age)
{:name "foo", :company nil} ;; not a record anymore!

user> (assoc *2 :igloo 42)
#user.Person{:name "foo", :age nil, :company nil, :igloo 42}

As a rule of thumb, in Clojure one does not rush to records. If maps are
good enough, one uses maps.
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