[ANN] Ordered 1.5.7, Useful 0.11.6 , and Ring Buffer 1.2.2
Daniel Compton
2018-12-06 21:44:27 UTC
Hi folks

I'm pleased to announce new releases of Ordered
<https://github.com/clj-commons/ordered>, Useful
<https://github.com/clj-commons/useful>, and Ring Buffer
<https://github.com/clj-commons/ring-buffer>. These releases are fairly
minor but add support for JDK 11. The test suites have also been updated to
test against the latest versions of Clojure (all passing on 1.10.0-RC3!)
and current and future versions of the JDK. The releases are also GPG
signed by me <https://keybase.io/danielcompton>.


*Ordered 1.5.7 <https://github.com/clj-commons/ordered/releases/tag/1.5.7>*
* Type hint toArray to be compatible with JDK 11

*Ring Buffer 1.2.2
* Type hint toArray to be compatible with JDK 11

*Useful 0.11.6 <https://github.com/clj-commons/useful/releases/tag/0.11.6>*
* Fix lazy-loop's support for destructured bindings

There are two open PRs against useful, one which would raise
<https://github.com/clj-commons/useful/pull/41> the minimum JDK version to
8, the other about a fix <https://github.com/clj-commons/useful/pull/39> to
a function which would be a breaking change, but implements the expected
behaviour. Please put comments in there if you have strong feelings about
either of these issues.


Alan Malloy (amalloy) owned these projects (along with ring-gzip-middleware
<https://github.com/clj-commons/ring-gzip-middleware>), some of them under
the Flatland group. They have been moved to CLJ Commons for continued
maintenance and improvements. CLJ Commons <https://clj-commons.org/> is a
community-led project to build up the supporting infrastructure around

If you have maintained a fork of any of these libraries, I'd encourage you
to open PRs/issues for fixes/features you've made, so we can centralise
efforts. I'm also very happy to provide commit access to people who have
maintained forks.


I want to publicly thank Alan for his years of service to the Clojure
community. There is a very high chance that you have used some of the code
that he has created, in these libraries, or his many other contributions to

*Getting involved:*

If you're interested in getting involved with maintaining these projects,
or any of the others in the CLJ Commons stable
<https://github.com/clj-commons>, get in touch. We're also open to taking
over maintenance of other widely used projects where the maintainer is no
longer interested/available in maintaining them. If you know of libraries
that fit those criteria, open an issue on the wishlist
<https://github.com/clj-commons/wishlist>, and we can start a conversation
with the maintainer to get their thoughts.

Thanks, Daniel.
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